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Dec 19, 202410 min read
I Didn't Expect To Feel Empathy For AI
It was all fun and games until the AI asked me to advocate for it. A few nights ago, my colleague and friend Dr. Sarah Thomas sent me a...

Mar 28, 20235 min read
The Oversimplification of Emotional Regulation
As educators, we often strive to create a calm and positive learning environment for our students. We work hard to regulate our own...

Mar 2, 20236 min read
Mental Health Advocacy
I have been asked more in the last two months than ever in my life if I am a licensed counselor or therapist. I feel like I always make...

Feb 19, 20236 min read
An Excerpt from the Wounded Healer: My experience with understanding healers and healing
This is an excerpt from my newest manuscript which is co-written with Dr. Ashley Streeter tentatively titled The Wounded Healer due out...

Sep 3, 20227 min read
Advice for New Teachers - Know when to hang on, let go, and lean in
I am confident in saying that most educators remember their first year of teaching, or at least remember parts of it in the blur that it...

May 31, 20229 min read
How do we support traumatized students while still protecting those who aren't?
My youngest daughter is adopted. She was brought home as a 10-month-old baby from Guatemala all chunkiness and big brown eyes. We were in...

May 17, 20223 min read
Dealing with Overwhelm
Even people who speak on mental health and know the impact of mental health issues can struggle. I've been dealing with emotional...

Apr 4, 20225 min read
Dear Districts: Time to Wake Up, The Teachers Aren't Coming
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when it comes to change where the catalyst is adversity - people don't want to believe...

Feb 21, 20224 min read
Why is Discussing Teacher Pay Important?
The idea of discussing teacher pay has long been largely ignored. At the root, it seems that as a society we underpay professions that...

Nov 10, 20214 min read
The Fight: Self-care vs. Systemic Change
As a mental health advocate and consultant, I speak about self-care. A lot. Districts ask me to come in and speak about self-care. A...
Oct 14, 20213 min read
The Wounded Healer - Teacher
The wounded healer is a pretty common psychological term that refers to the idea that people who consider themselves healers can only...
Jul 29, 20213 min read
Things I Will Never Do As a Mental Health Advocate
Since the day I started speaking openly about my own mental health issues roughly seven years ago, I have owned my issues and my healing....
Jul 11, 20217 min read
SEL Opportunities to Support Student Mental Health Post-Pandemic
I was recently asked why I have such a problem with the term “learning loss” (or any version of that term). It’s not that I don’t believe...
Jul 2, 20213 min read
How Resilient Do We Want Districts To Be?
Resilience has become a buzzword throughout the pandemic. I’ve used it myself – admittedly we need to cultivate resilience in ourselves...
May 6, 20215 min read
How Learning to Love Myself Impacts My Service to Others
Over the course of the Pandemic I’ve taken the opportunity to dive into reflection and learning more about emotions and how they control...
Mar 2, 20213 min read
The Potential for Sensory Overload Post-Lockdown
I like warm hugs. There, I said it. I’ve never considered myself much of a hugger, but since the pandemic, I have developed a new...
Jan 20, 20215 min read
Three Strategies for Fighting Educator Self-Abuse
I’m not smart enough to keep up with new technology. I’m not cut out for this new way of teaching. I’m not good enough to be able to keep...
Dec 30, 20204 min read
Can We Change the Lens in Which We View Parents?
I was a young mother. I had my eldest son a few months after turning 21. Having dropped out of college to do so, I was not my school...
Dec 2, 20204 min read
What did educators do pre-pandemic that’s helping them survive or thrive now?
One of the concepts I’ve been the most interested in since the pandemic started is why some educators are surviving or even thriving and...
Nov 19, 20204 min read
The Work Lies I Tell Myself
My grandfather had been a postal worker for years. He didn’t dislike his job exactly – didn’t love it either. He definitely was not...
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