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May 4, 20194 min read
Decision Fatigue EDU
I just finished the book Micro-Resilience by Bonnie St. John. From the beginning just the title caught my attention and I’ve spent a lot...

Oct 28, 20163 min read
We Underestimate our Students
I always felt like one of my strengths as a teacher was that I always had high expectations for my students. I never lowered expectations...

Sep 18, 20163 min read
Change is an Opportunity to Do Something Amazing…All Around #IMMOOC
I have taught and read the Innovator’s Mindset several times. I read it the first time for me, the second time for a book study for my...
May 3, 20163 min read
Adjunct Teaching
Sometime last December an opportunity to teach at the University of Oshkosh literally fell into my lap. The professor for the one and...
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